
documentation for the videodrömm project


Create multiplatform applications (win, mac, lnx, android, ios) to do VJing/installations/VR/web

Network enabled, maximum performance, code reuse, open source

Features Live-Coding, Warping

Written in C++, GLSL, Python, typescript, js, etc.


Integrate Glsl editor by adding nodejs websocket server to share: live-coded shaders, uniform variables (need to switch from to ws)

Integrate The_Force by adding nodejs websocket server to share: live-coded shaders, uniform variables (OSC already supported but to improve)

The main renderer is the visualizer which is controlled remotely a a html5 app in a browser. The goal is to achieve maximum performance by remotely controlling the renderer. The html5 controller needs a UI to act on slider/rotary/color elements which send websocket messages on change events.

Support for loading textures (jpg, png, webp, mp4, gif, audio fft) remotely: all files must be received in a assets folder which is common to html and c++ apps. Cinder apps, which are checkout in folders aside the assets folder, take advantage to use a shared assets folder as Cinder searchs up to 5 parent folders for the assets folder.

Support streaming of webp images across the network (ok for js, need to find a way in c++)

Implement Test Driven Development (TDD): mocha for js, googletest(?) for c++

Prefer json to xml

Use fragment shaders compatible with webGL, keep the syntax from Shadertoy(iResolution, iGlobalTime, iMouse, iChannel0

Option: Support for Open Lighting Architecture


openFrameworks and Cinder frameworks will be used for the C++ part. For javascript, use typescript, angularjs, nodejs, mongodb, threejs. Other languages can be added to use Unreal Engine, Unity, etc.


OSC and webSockets will be used. The goal is to have a standalone renderer, which can be controlled remotely with

About TouchOsc, here are some screen captures from the Android version with the default layouts we are using


Several applications will be developed:


Support a variety of file formats:

User interface

The UI for C++ will be the excellent Immediate Mode GUI: imgui from Omar Cornut

Other UI could be used depending on the programming language.


Support audio analysis from linein, wave files, Ableton Live via LiveOsc ("/live/track/meter")

Wave file playback possible

Hardware input

The application can be controlled with several hardware devices:


Standard output is rectangular full screen, by defaut. Using warping techniques, several inputs can be mixed and mapped to non-rectangular areas/objects

The application outputs to:

Git workflow

Get involved! Design, advice, development...

The projet source is hosted on github, in several repositories. To compile the projects without modifications you can just clone the desired projects. If you want to contribute, I suggest the following workflow:

To setup the development environment, click here

Other software integration

Other software can interact with videodrömm, we keep the door open for integrations via Spout/Syphon/OSC/etc: